Dry Eye: Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis

Optometry Care and Dry Eye Treatment from an Optometrist Near You

Your eyes are one of the most important parts of your body, especially when it comes to navigating your surroundings, making decisions, or taking in the surrounding sights. At Andrew Stone Optometry, your optometrist in Columbia, MO, we specialize in comprehensive optometry, whether you're in need of an eye exam or an ongoing eye doctor for routine tests and treatments. If you're someone dealing with dry eyes, understanding the causes, symptoms, and procedure for diagnosis of the condition can help you determine which dry eye treatment is right for you.

Dry Eye

What Is Dry Eye?

Dry is a condition that impacts the eyes, causing discomfort, dryness, and irritation in the affected eye(s).

Causes of Dry Eye

Understanding the potential causes of dry eyes is essential to find the appropriate dry eye treatment if you're in need. Common factors that are likely to contribute to the development and progression of dry eye include:

●             Environment: Smoky, windy, and dry environments

●             Screen time: Extended screen time with little to no breaks can lead to eye strain and dryness or irritation

●             Medical Conditions: Autoimmune diseases that are systemic, hormonal changes, and diabetes (or other glucose-related conditions) can have a significant impact on eye health

●             Medications: Some decongestants and antihistamines may contribute to the dryness in your eyes.

Symptoms of Dry Eye

The most notable signs of dry eye include:

●             Dryness: Traditional itchiness and dryness in the eyes

●             Redness: Light sensitivity, redness, and irritation are common

●             Burning: A burning sensation may become more prevalent

●             Blurred Vision: Blurred vision can be a sign of another underlying issue, such as dry eye

Diagnosis of Dry Eye

Diagnosing dry eye when seeing an optometrist in Columbia, MO, such as Dr. Andrew Stone or Dr. Sarah Wolf, can be done with the following:

●             Assessment: Patient history and a review of symptoms and medications

●             Eye Exam: A comprehensive eye exam may include ocular surface staining, tear breakup time (TBUT) measurements, and conducting a Schirmer test.

●             Evaluations: Corneal and tear production evaluations will be conducted

Get Optometry Care, an Eye Exam, Dry Eye Treatment, and Eye Doctor Services from an Optometrist Near You

If you're dealing with dry eyes each day, and it has become disruptive to your daily life, it may be time for you to seek dry eye treatment from a professional optometrist in Columbia, MO. When you're in need of an optometrist near you who understands the ins and outs of dry eyes and underlying causes, turn to Andrew Stone Optometry. To learn more about dry eyes and how we can help you, contact us at Andrew Stone Optometry to schedule your appointment with Dr. Andrew Stone or Dr. Sarah Wolf today. Call us at (573) 445-7750 for optometry care, an eye exam, dry eye treatment, and eye doctor services from an optometrist near you.



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